What does the Future Generations Commissioner’s new strategy mean for you?
Craig Lawton, Head of Public Affairs, assesses what ‘Cymru Can’, the new strategy from the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, means for organisations. 15th November 2023
When Derek Walker took over as Future Generations Commissioner in March 2023, he and his team undertook the mammoth task of meeting with and hearing from well over a thousand organisations and individuals.
That work has now come to fruition this November with the formal launch of ‘Cymru Can’; the Future Generations Commissioner’s seven-year strategy. This sets out his key priorities.
There are five ‘missions’ in the report, (i) the implementation and impact of the Well-being of Future Generations Act (ii) climate and nature, (iii) health and well-being, (iv) culture and Welsh language, and (v) well-being economy.
The Commissioner- appointed and funded by Welsh Government- supports and engages with public bodies and works to help them make policies in Wales that think about the long-term implications of their decisions.
However, while his work focusses on the public sector, organisations of all types and sizes should take note of ‘Cymru Can.’
The five ‘missions’- along with the narratives from the many case studies the Commissioner provides- give a clear indication of what organisations should prioritise and focus on.
Collaboration is key, as is working on a community level as opposed to solely a Wales-wide basis. Furthermore, the ability to support more than one of the ‘missions’ through projects and work will also be strongly welcomed by the Commissioner.
At the launch of ‘Cymru Can’, the Commissioner stated, “we need bold action now to take us across the finish line” and that he has an ambition for “Wales to feel different.”
With the Commissioner playing a critical role in the development of future polices in Wales, organisations and businesses of all types and sizes working across Wales should take heed of the Commissioner’s advice as they too look to develop their strategies and plans for the future.