Renewable energy – 2023 Westminster Parliamentary Boundary Review
Political and stakeholder engagement
At the next general election, the number of constituencies in Wales will fall from 40 to 32, which means the representation of Wales in Parliament will also decrease. While 21 constituencies will remain the same, 11 constituencies will have either their boundaries or their name, or both, altered, impacting local businesses, organisations, and homeowners. It also means that many current MPs and candidates will now be competing in new areas and to different electorates than in previous contests.
What we did
Presenting to several organisations, Grasshopper has set out what the 2023 Westminster Parliamentary Boundary Review will mean for Welsh politics and for the next general election.
We have provided Wales-wide and bespoke localised mapping and advice to clients to help them fully understand which MPs and candidates they need to engage with. Many organisations and groups need to clearly understand the impact of these changes, as it may affect future projects or plans.
Presenting details on who has been selected by political parties for each new seat and regularly updating advice based on the latest opinion polls, Grasshopper is able to keep clients fully up to speed as the next general election – due before the end of 2024 – looms ever closer.